Tuesday 28 June 2011

Omega fish oil do wonders to your health

Omega 3 fish oil is effective in controlling cardio vascular problems like heart arrhythmias and heart attacks It enables one to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the level of good cholesterol (HDL).Omega 3 fish oil also helps to the systemic blood circulation in a body and thereby prevents the formation of blood clots in the arteries of the heart. Omega 3 fish oil supplements have resulted in improvement of brain functions including memory and the thinking ability of a person. Regular intake of such supplements has decreased the age related diseases like brain dysfunction like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have also revealed the fact that there is a strong link between omega 3 intake and the ability of a person [who takes such supplements] to lower the levels of some mood disorders, which are prevalent due to depression and other bipolar disorders.

Omega 3 fish oil have also got anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in reducing inflammation in tissues and blood of the body. Chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis and rheumatism can be also cured by taking in regularly the supplements of fish oil. In the case of pregnant women the intake of fish oil would pave way for the development of the eyes and brain of the baby .It also helps to prevent miscarriages, premature birth and low birth weights of babies .The intake of fish oil supplements prevents the type 2 diabetics as it is known for the reduction of bad cholesterol and increase of the good cholesterol. Macular degeneration is a condition in which the infected person would ultimately lose his/her power to see things with the eyes and till today there is no proper treatment for relieving people from this condition .The risk of the aged people from getting this Macular degeneration has been effectively reduced due to the intake of fish oil supplements of Omega 3.Shiny and glowing skin might be the favorite of people of all ages and the fish oil tends to replace the natural oils of the skin which helps the skin to retain the shiny and glowing appearance .It is also an effective nourishment provider of the hair and the hair follicles.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is one of the four hundred kinds of bacteria which might be present in the gastro intestinal tracts of many people .Lactobacillus helps in easy digestion and builds up the immunity level of all people. The lack of lactobacillus creates wreak and havoc in a person’s body and doctors prescribe several probotic lactobacillus supplements for the better health and improved immunity levels of any patient.

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