Tuesday 28 June 2011

Fitness through balanced diet

It is said what you eat is what you are. So true, nature and activities of people is dominated by the food they eat. People having balanced diet and square meal with regular intervals tend to lead a healthy life and stay away from diseases. Whereas people leading unhealthy food habits like eating junk food, taking irregular food items at irrelevant timings. Hitting the gym regularly is another healthy habit which works wonders in keeping your mind and body healthy and productive. Having a weight which corresponds to one’s height is a healthy sign, but the otherwise condition is not desired, like being underweight or overweight. Earlier people have pronounced that health is wealth. So we much strive to earn this wealth by following good habits and regular conditioning. Life today is full of stress, professional deadlines, cut throat competition and many more tough factors. All these factors take their toll on our mind and body. With time, these tensions and stress create a vacuum in our mind and body. People succumb to eating unhealthy food at wrong timings to overcome the stress. This food habit leads to piling on pounds. Being overweight is another issue today’s generation struggles with. Merely cutting down on oily and high carb foods may not serve the purpose. It should be combined with proper intake of vitamins and other supplements. Some fats are essential for our body such as omega 3 fish oil. This oil cannot be produced by our body, so it should be taken in through the food we eat. This is one of the essential fatty acids, which are required for producing hormones that are responsible for regulating the major body functions, including digestion, insulin production and the storage of fat. It is also proven that this fatty acid helps us in loosing fat and help in weight loss. One of the studies conducted ,on two different sets of individuals with supply and no- supply of this oil, has proven that this oil helped burning fat. This oil can be advised by clinical practitioners as a herbal weight loss supplements. It is one of the win- win situations; one gets to eat oily food as well as gets help in reducing fat.

This oil can be obtained by consuming following foods: oily fish and vegetable sources such as flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, olive oil and canola oil. These foods can be included in the regular diet for healthy dose of this incredibly helpful fatty acid.

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