Sunday 12 June 2011

Benefits of Lactobacillus

Lactobacillus is a kind of bacteria which is found in our digestive, urinary and genital systems. We can also find these bacteria in yoghurt and in many dietary supplements. Lactobacillus is very useful in treating the problem of diarrhea. These bacteria serve many functions like prevention of cough and cold, prevention of respiratory infections in children and in females vaginal and urinary tract infections. Lactobacillus is also very much effective and helpful in treating the problem of skin disorders like fever blisters, canker sores, and also eczema. It is also very much helpful in treating the problem of high cholesterol, lyme disease and hives.

But the important thing is that you should be careful before choosing the products containing these bacteria as there are many products which contain some unfriendly bacteria. These bacteria is also known for reducing the effects of chemotherapy among the patients of cancer as due to chemotherapy drugs patients suffer from the problem of gastrointestinal and severe diarrhea.

In our body there are many kinds of bacteria and lactobacillus is a friendly bacteria and with its help our body gets the right amount of nutrients but in the people with weak immune system or short bowel syndrome these bacteria does not go down well. So it is essential for those people to take doctor’s advice before taking lactobacillus.

Apart from these bacteria our body gets lots of benefits from fish oil as this oil contains essential nutrients which are vital for our body. Nowadays in our diet we lack omega 3 fish oil due to this many people suffer from the disorders related to heart and brain. So, nowadays most of the people are advised by the doctors to take the supplements of omega 3. It is very much helpful in curing many different types of disorders. Our brain, which is the most important part of our body, is also made up of omega 3 fatty acids.

If there is a deficiency of fish oil in our body then it may lead to different types of disorders starting from the brain like depression, anxiety, mood swings, bipolar disorder etc. fish oil is also very much helpful in treating the problems of cardiovascular.

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