Thursday 16 June 2011

Omega 3 fish oil and fish oil help us in fight against Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation is type of destructive inflammation which keeps unnoticed inside our body. Sometimes, we are not really aware of it. When we get aware of this harmful inflammation, it had already damaged our health and the brain. These symptoms cannot be felt from inside or not visible that one can see them until we feel pains and steep aches in various body parts with dry hair, broken nails and our skin gets itchy. When we consult the doctor, the doctor after taking all necessary tests gives that it may be due to the shortage of EFA, an Omega 3 fatty acid in our body. The doctor advised us to in take Omega 3 fatty acid which contains both Omega 3 fish oil and fish oil in our diet.

Fish oil helps in controlling the cholesterol level and also lowers down the chances of possible heart attack or even a stroke. It keeps our hair, nails and skin in perfect shape and also prevents us from possible body itching pain. We should eat lots of fish oil taken out from fresh fish being caught at deep water and are available in every fish market. We should choose the right fish from which we can get the required Omega 3 fatty acids. But sometimes it happens that some of the fresh fish we buy from the fish market are in short of Omega 3 fish oil. Omega 3 fish oil contains nutrients level at around 50% and DHA or docosahexaenoic acid which is very much needed for the normal growth of infant babies and also helpful for proper functioning of brains for both infant babies as well as an adult.

Fish oil is also a perfect blood thinner so a it should be taken by the consulting a doctor. You should have to consult for hours with your doctor that would your body need to take fish oil. If he says “yes” then only take them. On the other hand, Omega 3 fish oil is a good supplement which any body can take into diet. But, the only criterion is that the fish should contain the best quality fish oil in it. Omega 3 fish oil is being prescribed by every doctors any where in the world for the treatment of these chronic inflammations diseases which are found missing in these fish oil of an ordinary fish that we eat as its supplement everyday during our meal.

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